Our Men’s Ministry is dedicated to providing men with opportunities to make a difference and connect with one another.   We believe the age-old proverb that says, As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17) Verde has developed a wide variety of groups for men of all life stages because every man matters.

Our desire is for men to experience the adventure of a relationship with Jesus and with other men exploring what it means to be a man created in God’s image.  Throughout the year, our guys come together for adventure, hiking, growth groups, bible studies, men’s breakfasts, and an annual men’s summit. Because we believe men want to make a difference, we have mission and community projects where we use our tools and get our hands dirty.  
If you are interested in getting connected and growing with others, we invite you to join us.  Paul Zienka, our Men’s Ministry Team Leader, works in many different facets in order to provide a great ministry for the men of Verde.  For more information, contact the church office (email link) or call 928.634.3645.



Our Women’s Ministry, known as Women’s Connection, is dedicated to connecting women. It doesn’t matter what your background is; married or single, have kids or the kids have gone…a new Christian or a mature Christian, whatever your stage in life…there is something just for you!

Join us in this journey through life as we grow deeper in a relationship with Jesus.

Connect and build friendships. Serve together as we make a difference in the world. It’s easy to get involved; we hope you’ll join us!

Throughout the year our women participate in bible studies, special women’s events, growth groups and an annual retreat.   If you are a Mom, join us at Verde Mom Connect. While providing children’s ministry, we host Mom Night Outs, play dates, Bible studies, and engage community events!

If you are interested in getting connected and growing with others, we invite you to join us.  Cindy Millar is our Women’s Ministry Leader and works in many different facets in order to provide a great ministry for the women of Verde.  For more information, contact the church office (email link) or call 928.634.3645.




Our Senior’s Ministry (Golden Heirs) is dedicated to providing senior adults 60+ with opportunities to make a difference and connect with one another.   It is a very vibrant and active group that is known for great friendships and lots of fun. Throughout the year, our senior adults come together for food and fellowship at a variety of events designed for you and your friends in mind.  Our senior adults serve in many ways within our church and community. All generations matter to God at Verde.

Beginning in September through April our Senior’s Ministry engages our community with a monthly event.  You’ll enjoy events such as Talent Night, Oktoberfest with entertainment, Thanksgiving Celebration, Christmas Carol Dessert, Gospel concert, Valentine’s Dinner, St. Patricks Day Celebration and a Hawaiian Luau.  You, your friends and the community are invited!

On Sunday mornings our senior adults enjoy bible study and fellowship at 11:00 in our Verde fellowship hall.   Throughout the week, seniors have a wide variety of growth groups to connect and grow with others.

If you are interested in getting connected and growing with others, we invite you to join us.  Henry Brown is our Seniors’ Ministry Leader and works in many different facets in order to provide a great ministry for our seniors.  For more information, the church office (email link) or call 928.634.3645.



Our vision at Verde is to have everyone in our church involved in either a Growth Group or another similar small group experience.


Here at Verde, Growth Groups are made up of 8 – 14 people just like you.  They’re the place where the real ministry of the church takes place as we study God’s Word, encourage one another and share life together.

Growth Groups are led by trained leaders and meet on various days of the week in homes throughout the Verde Valley.  An average meeting includes refreshments and lasts for an hour and a half. We have fall and spring semester growth groups that last 10 weeks. At the end of each session, you will have the choice of staying in the same group, trying a new group or even taking a break. During the summer months, most growth groups take a break.

Most groups are sermon-based where you get to roll up your sleeves and discuss how Sunday’s sermon works in real life.  Some are special interest groups focusing on topics such as parenting, marriage, healthy living and Christian basics for new believers.

Summer growth groups:  mid-June through July.
Fall semester growth groups:  September through mid-November.
Spring semester growth groups:  February through mid-April.
Search our online directory of groups: GROWTH GROUPS (Link to our database directory)

If you don’t find a group in our directory that fits please let us help you find one:

HELP ME FIND A GROWTH GROUP (Link to Help Me page)


Worship literally means “to attribute worth to someone or something”.    We desire to worship God as “true worshipers” do; “in spirit and in truth”.  We worship many things in our lives whether it be our new phone, sports teams or our favorite series on Netflix.  God deserves the prominent place in our worship, above all those things.

One of the ways we worship Him at Verde is through singing to God as a group on Sunday mornings.  We do this exuberantly as those who have been rescued by our Good Shepherd from sin and death.

Our style is somewhat blended.  We sing many new songs from Hillsong, Bethel, and Passion, but also do many of the great hymns of our faith.  

Our worship is a reflection of a life transformed by Jesus.  As the old hymn states, “I sing because I’m happy, I sing because I’m free, His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches me”.  This is our God. This is how he cares for us. We’d be honored to have you worship with us!



MSM is an exciting place for 6th-8th graders to be a part of the Verde Community Student Ministry. It is this ministry’s goal to help VCC students, as well as any 6th-8th grade student discover and live a God-centered life in their environment. The moment a student enters through the doors for the first time, they become a part of the Verde Students family.

Any middle school student is welcome to be a part of the MSM youth services which include Wednesday night youth groups from 6:30-8:00 and seasonal Sunday mornings from 11 AM to Noon. Wednesday nights are the most inviting time for a student to join a group as we tend to have crazy fun through food, games, and a challenging message from God’s Word before settling down for small groups.



HSM is an exciting place for freshman – senior students to be a part of the Verde Community Student Ministry. It is this ministry’s goal to help VCC students, as well as any 9th-12th grade student discover and live a God-centered life in their environment. The moment a student enters through the doors for the first time, they become a part of the Verde Students family.

Any high school student is welcome to be a part of the HSM youth services which include Sunday night youth groups from 6:30-8:00 and seasonal Sunday mornings from 11 AM to Noon. Sunday nights are the most inviting time for a student to join a group as we tend to have crazy fun through food, games, worship, and a challenging message from God’s Word before settling down for small groups.

Click here to VOLUNTEER



Every Sunday all children (babies through 5th grade) experience safe, age-appropriate environments where the Bible is taught in a creative and relevant way.

We would love to see you and your family visit Verde Kids! Join the fun and experience a world where kids meet Jesus on their level!

9:30 am & 11:00 am Kids Worship Service

Birth – 2 year olds: WORSHIP CENTER NURSERY

3 year olds – 5th grade: GYMNASIUM


Make your experience simple and easy. The best place to park if you have children is in our east parking lot in front of our gymnasium. Check in at our gymnasium and it’s just a short walk to our main worship center to check in children, birth through 2 years old.

Register now and come join the fun!.

Verde Kids/AWANA Registration Form (Link to registration form)



The purpose of Awana is to help kids, ages 3 – 5th grade, come to know, love, and serve Jesus!  Kids have tons of fun, make friends and grow in their relationship with God. Awana runs on Wednesday nights from 6:30-8:00 pm.

Our Awana club is Wednesday nights and runs from September through May.  Awana handbooks and calendars are available at club or in the Verde Kids welcome center.

Register now and come join the fun!.



We are currently looking for volunteers to help in Verde Kids Ministry. We have a variety of volunteer needs to choose from.

Click here to VOLUNTEER (Link to volunteer page)