Our Men’s Ministry is dedicated to providing men with opportunities to make a difference and connect with one another. We believe the age-old proverb that says, As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17) Verde has developed a wide variety of groups for men of all life stages because every man matters.
Our desire is for men to experience the adventure of a relationship with Jesus and with other men exploring what it means to be a man created in God’s image. Throughout the year, our guys come together for adventure, hiking, growth groups, bible studies, men’s breakfasts, and an annual men’s summit. Because we believe men want to make a difference, we have mission and community projects where we use our tools and get our hands dirty.
If you are interested in getting connected and growing with others, we invite you to join us. For more information, contact the church office or call 928.634.3645.
Our Women’s Ministry, known as Women’s Connection, is dedicated to connecting women. It doesn’t matter what your background is; married or single, have kids or the kids have gone…a new Christian or a mature Christian, whatever your stage in life…there is something just for you! Join us in this journey through life as we grow deeper in a relationship with Jesus. Connect and build friendships. Serve together as we make a difference in the world. It’s easy to get involved; we hope you’ll join us! Throughout the year our women participate in bible studies, special women’s events, growth groups and an annual retreat. If you are a Mom, join us at Verde Mom Connect. While providing children’s ministry, we host Mom Night Outs, play dates, Bible studies, and engage community events! If you are interested in getting connected and growing with others, we invite you to join us. Cindy Millar is our Women’s Ministry Leader and works in many different facets in order to provide a great ministry for the women of Verde. For more information, contact the church office (email link) or call 928.634.3645.
JOY – Just Older Youth
Just Older Youth (JOY) exists to help people maximize their joy in Jesus, to increase their Kingdom influence, and help them inspire others to follow in their footsteps.
We do this through hosting a variety of events:
- Luncheons with guest speakers
- Social gatherings and
- Travel opportunities from local daytrips to longer travel experiences by bus, planes and ships
We believe that there is more JOY to be found in Jesus
All are designed to be attractive to friends, neighbors and acquaintances who are not part of the JOY fellowship yet.
March: Inaugural Luncheon

April: Ice Cream Social and Game Day
May: Custom tour of the Copper Art Museum in Clarksdale. Though many of the group had been there before, the tour guide was enthusiastic and informative. We learned a lot about local history and Copper through the ages.
Watch for additions to our Fall 2024/Winter 2025 calendar coming soon
Jim Klein
Pastor of Adult Ministries
Verde Community Church