Worship literally means “to attribute worth to someone or something”. We desire to worship God as “true worshipers” do; “in spirit and in truth”. We worship many things in our lives whether it be our new phone, sports teams or our favorite series on Netflix. God deserves the prominent place in our worship, above all those things.
One of the ways we worship Him at Verde is through singing to God as a group on Sunday mornings. We do this exuberantly as those who have been rescued by our Good Shepherd from sin and death.
Our style is somewhat blended. We sing many new songs from Hillsong, Bethel, and Passion, but also do many of the great hymns of our faith.
Our worship is a reflection of a life transformed by Jesus. As the old hymn states, “I sing because I’m happy, I sing because I’m free, His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches me”. This is our God. This is how he cares for us. We’d be honored to have you worship with us!

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