Lead Pastor
Mark was born in Batavia, NY (wherever that is?). He has been married to Kristie since 1992 and they have two boys they are very proud of…Bryson (1996), and Caedmon (1999). The newest addition to the family is their pup Rainie (think Mount Rainier without the “r”). They are a tight-knit family and have traveled the country following the Lord’s leading in ministry. Mark loves the outdoors and would just as soon be on a trail as anywhere else! He received his Bachelors in Bible from Hardin Simmons University in Abilene, Tx. and his MDIV from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has been at Verde since June of 2018, after serving in several churches in different capacities (Young Adult Pastor, Preaching Associate, Student Ministry, and Campus Pastor).
What is your favorite book?
I love books about the outdoors. Into Thin Air and Into The Wild by Jon Krakauer, and Wild by Cheryl Strayed immediately come to mind.
What or who is your most influential book or author?
Several people come to mind. Andy Stanley, Jonathan Leeman and Mark Dever, Carey Nieuwhof. I’ve always loved Erwin McManus and Calvin Miller as well.
What is your favorite food?
#1 with a sweet tea please…” my pleasure”.
What is something most people wouldn’t know about you?
I was shot once. 9mm pistol. I survived.
What is the most exciting thing for you to see God do in the lives of people?
When someone really “gets it” and Christ transforms their present, redeems their past, and changes their eternity!

Family Life Pastor
Carl was born in Chicago, Illinois, but grew up in his hometown of Whittier, California. He attended California State University, Long Beach, and Multnomah Biblical Seminary in Portland, Oregon. He has been at Verde since April of 2014. He and his wife, Maria, have five children; the family is Italian… so they love loud, embrace life and have lots of fun!
What is your favorite book?
The Bible is on the top of the list. However, I love to read books by pastors, missionaries and Christian scholars who have humbly walked the journey of life and ministry far, far ahead of me. I’ve got lots to learn and they’ve got lots of practical and encouraging life lessons!
What or who is your most influential book or author?
Surprise-the Bible! Paul, David, John, Moses. They inspire me with the nitty-gritty of how they encounter God and give us some of the most amazing and epic stories of all time! I love the book of Ruth, too… it’s the romantic in me.
What is your favorite food?
Being from the central coast of California, I love tri-tip beef steak grilled and barbecued to perfection along with a side of grilled onions, asparagus, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, baked beans, garden salad, and garlic bread. This, of course, would be followed by dessert… banana cream pie.
What is something most people wouldn’t know about you?
My first job out of college was working as a Sales Manager for the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company. As a result of record tires sales, my wife and I won a flight aboard the Goodyear blimp.
What is the most exciting thing for you to see God do in the lives of people?
I find it exciting when people find life in Jesus and embrace the journey with people they love!

Worship Pastor
David was born in Phoenix, AZ. David has been married to Amy (his far better half) since 1999; they have been blessed with many, many great kids: Ben (2002), Kalei (2004), Micah (2006), Abigail (2008), Levi (2010), Evelyn (2012) and Josiah (2014). His family is “a whole lot of love. We are getting to the point where we will all have to wear the same color to spot one another in a crowd. You may see us counting heads whenever we are getting ready to go somewhere. Mostly, we love learning to walk with Jesus together!” David received his Bachelors in Bible and Music from Grand Canyon University. He has been at Verde since October of 2008, after ministering in Houston, TX and Richmond, VA.
What is your favorite book?
Ragamuffin Gospel by Brennan Manning comes to mind. It is a great reminder of the relentless grace of God.
What or who is your most influential book or author?
Henri Nouwen and A.W. Tozer are two of my favorites. I love the passion and heart of their writings. I also love the mystics.
What is your favorite food?
My favorite food would have to be Amy’s (my wife) chicken enchiladas. They are de- (wait for it) licious!
What is something most people wouldn’t know about you?
I was born on the same date as my older brother two years later. Mom always had good timing.
What is the most exciting thing for you to see God do in the lives of people?
I love to see people finding peace and rest in the love and grace of God. And seeing people worship God with abandon and gratitude.

Director of Student Ministries
Doug was born in Las Vegas, Nevada and grew up in New York, Utah, and Arizona. He is working towards a bachelors degree in Christian Ministry with an emphasis on youth ministry through Liberty University. He has been at Verde since June, 2017. He and his wife, Nicole, have been married two years, and they love working with students. During their free time they like to be outdoors with their dog, riding bikes, going on adventures, playing games, snowboarding, or working on their new home. Right now, it is just the two of them and their German Shepherd, but they plan to have kids of their own in the future.
What is your favorite book?
As I work towards my degree I have had the ability to read many books that I may not have chosen to read on my own. There have been a mixture of great books as well as some pretty drab books. My favorite book at this time is “Crazy Love” by Francis Chan.
What or who is your most influential book or author?
My most influential authors are also great pastors. My three favorite author/pastors at this time are Francis Chan, Louie Giglio, and Levi Lusko.
What is your favorite food?
I do not have only a favorite food, but two food types. My two favorite types of food to eat would be Italian or Mexican food.
What is the most exciting thing for you to see God do in the lives of people?
What I love the most about being in ministry is being able to see God work in the lives of the students. From the moment that a student begins seeking God on their own, whether they come from a church family or a hurting family background, I get excited to see them realize the extent of God’s love for them. Then as the student progresses in their walk through their time in the group and on to college, I am encouraged to see them living out their faith.

Women’s Ministry Director
Cindy was born and raised in Cottonwood and has been a part of Verde her whole life. She graduated from the Verde Bible Institute right here at Verde. She describes her family as “absolutely wild and fun, adventurous!”
What is your favorite book?
Don’t really have one.
What or who is your most influential book or author?
“Experiencing God” by Henry Blackaby was a very influential book many years ago. More recent is “The Cost of Discipleship” by Dietrich Bonhoeffer, “The Prodigal Son” by Henri Nouwen and “The Practice of the Presence of God” by Brother Lawrence.
What is your favorite food?
What is something most people wouldn’t know about you?
According to doctors, after a serious illness in high school I would not be able to have children (I have two! I also became a grandma for the second time in August of 2014.)
What is the most exciting thing for you to see God do in the lives of people?
I love to see God transform lives and then bring about the restoration of marriages, relationships with parents and children and friendships. God continues to be faithful to do the transforming work!
Administrator, Verde Valley Christian School
Ben is originally from Benton, Pennsylvania and graduated from Northern Arizona University. He and wife (Ali) and family (Ryan, Silas, Micah, Josie, and Molly) have been at Verde since 2001. When asked what his family is like, Ben says, “Maybe a quick story will describe us better than I could. Our family recently had the opportunity to accompany my wife to a nursing conference in Los Angeles. We pulled up to a rather luxurious hotel, dotted with vehicles I have only seen in pictures, in our dented green mini-van after a long hot drive. As the valet came to take my keys, he shared that the bellmen would take our luggage up. Since Walmart bags, boogie boards, strollers, and school backpacks aren’t typically mentioned in the luggage arena, I let him know that we would need significantly more time than average to empty the contents of our vehicle onto their pristine pavement. He wasn’t sure what to do. After a few brief conversations with other staff members, he came back and pointed to an empty space for us to use as a staging area. Fifteen minutes later we finished straining the limits of the luggage cart and the seven of us began the arduous task of moving our herd towards the 23rd floor. In the end, we had a splendid adventure. We saw the Library, the Science Center and even the beach. I must admit, however, that I have a new appreciation for lodging that promises nothing more than simply leaving a light on for you.”
What is your favorite book?
Two books that have really impacted me in the last few years are “Celebration of Discipline” by Richard Foster and “Fasting” by Jentezen Franklin.
What or who is your most influential book or author?
I love C.S. Lewis.
What is your favorite food?
Steak with mushroom sauce and garlic mashed potatoes.
What is something most people don’t know about you?
I grew up on a small farm in PA and I’m a fan of snakes. I caught and released eight rattlesnakes from our previous home in Clarkdale (or I caught one rattlesnake eight times from our home in Clarkdale…). The most interesting story was when our kiddos were younger and Ali walked out the front door to smack a rug against the fence. As she looked over she found a rattler sunning himself next to her on the column. They were both surprised and unhappy after the interaction and she ran shrieking around to the back of the house. The kids were wondering what could cause such a fun reaction from mom (since they had never been able to achieve that specific tone in her voice) and began filing out the open front door to see what all the fuss was about. She quickly ran in the back door to find them all looking around out the front door and yelled for them to get back inside. Seconds later I received an emergency call at school and came home on my white horse to save the day (at least this is my recollection of the events).
What is the most exciting thing for you to see God do in the lives of people?
The Verde Valley Christian School has given me an opportunity to have an up-close view of how the Lord captures the hearts and minds of our children. I love watching the excitement of a student who understands what it is to accept Jesus as his/her savior and has made that decision. Kids are so open and honest with their cares and concerns. Their faith and belief is so strong. When God becomes real, they come to him with an excited expectation that he will do great things in their lives, and in the lives of their families. Jesus’ call to come and receive the kingdom like a little child takes on such meaning for me as I get to watch how our students enter in to their relationship with him.

Operations Manager
Carol was raised in the Midwest, but Sedona/Verde Valley has been her home for most of her adult years. She has been at Verde since August of 2000, shortly after the worship center was completed. She has attended Yavapai College through the years, taking business and design courses. Her family is quite small; however, her husband’s family is very large and makes up for it.
What is your favorite book?
Hmmm… I am into the murder mystery/thriller genre, so it would be whatever I am reading at the time.
What or who is your most influential book or author?
The Bible – honestly! It has changed my life and continues to do so. I love it!
What is your favorite food?
I love anything Mexican – it has to be spicy, flavorful and HOT. Not hot just to be hot, but I do like the heat from seasoning.
What is something most people wouldn’t know about you?
If I told you then I’d have to kill you…
What is the most exciting thing for you to see God do in the lives of people?
Once someone experiences the life-changing power of salvation, it is exciting to see them continuing to mature and grow into the likeness of Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Worship Ministry Administrative Assistant
Karla was born in Billings, Montana (same hospital as Amy, but a few years earlier!) and graduated from Grand Canyon University (when it was still a college). She and her husband, Jim (not Jim Ayres…) have been at Verde since 1993. They raised their son and daughter at Verde; they have since added a daughter-in-law and two grandkids (living in Texas) and also a son-in-law and another grandchild (living in Phoenix). The family covers all areas of personalities, likes and dislikes, talents, quirks… you name it. Their common denominator, besides being family by blood/marriage, is their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
What is your favorite book?
The Bible. I never get tired of reading and studying it. I read a lot and enjoy Christian romances, mysteries and historical novels, as well.
What or who is your most influential book or author?
The Bible, of course.
What is your favorite food?
A nice, juicy steak with lots of mushrooms sautéed in butter; also baked sweet potato with butter, brown sugar and cinnamon. Sweet tea rounds out the list.
What is something most people wouldn’t know about you?
When my kids were small we were visiting Hannibal, Missouri on the 4th of July and were filmed in an IMAX movie called “Mark Twain’s America”. My husband was able to actually track down a copy for me on DVD a couple years ago!
What is the most exciting thing for you to see God do in the lives of people?
I love to see people come to know Christ as their Lord and watch the change He works in their lives.

Student Ministry Administrative Assistant
Amy was born in Billings, Montana and attended Oklahoma Wesleyan University. She, her husband, Bob, and their daughter, Allison, have been attending Verde since Fall of 2012. Amy and Bob have been married for 21 years and have been in pastoral ministry for most of that time, pastoring churches in Arizona, North Dakota, Montana, and South Dakota. They are currently on sabbatical while their daughter finishes high school. When she isn’t working, Amy enjoys writing, baking, reading and working on a variety of craft projects. The family also enjoys learning local history, sightseeing in the area and traveling; they would eventually like to see all 50 states.
What is your favorite book?
I am an avid reader and have too many favorites to choose just one.
What or who is your most influential book or author?
It sounds so cliché, but it would have to be the Bible or, like so many others, I wouldn’t be who I am today.
What is your favorite food?
Who doesn’t like to eat?! My favorite comfort food is probably a toss-up of something Mexican or Italian.
What is something most people wouldn’t know about you?
I’ve written a variety of stories for three different newspapers.
What is the most exciting thing for you to see God do in the lives of people?
I love watching people grow enough in their walk with God to be willing to be used by Him to minister to others.

Facilities Manager
Jim’s hometown is Cottonwood, and he’s been at Verde since 1980. He and his wife, Karen, have kids and grandkids scattered through a few States.
What is your favorite book?
The Bible.
What or who is your most influential book or author?
“Reign of the Servant Kings” by Joseph Dillow.
What is your favorite food?
What is something most people wouldn’t know about you?
I read books 24/7 (but not while working!).
What is the most exciting thing for you to see God do in the lives of people?
When people open their eyes to Jesus and begin growing in Him.
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