Worship Ministry Administrative Assistant
Karla was born in Billings, Montana (same hospital as Amy, but a few years earlier!) and graduated from Grand Canyon University (when it was still a college). She and her husband, Jim (not Jim Ayres…) have been at Verde since 1993. They raised their son and daughter at Verde; they have since added a daughter-in-law and two grandkids (living in Texas) and also a son-in-law and another grandchild (living in Phoenix). The family covers all areas of personalities, likes and dislikes, talents, quirks… you name it. Their common denominator, besides being family by blood/marriage, is their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
What is your favorite book?
The Bible. I never get tired of reading and studying it. I read a lot and enjoy Christian romances, mysteries and historical novels, as well.
What or who is your most influential book or author?
The Bible, of course.
What is your favorite food?
A nice, juicy steak with lots of mushrooms sautéed in butter; also baked sweet potato with butter, brown sugar and cinnamon. Sweet tea rounds out the list.
What is something most people wouldn’t know about you?
When my kids were small we were visiting Hannibal, Missouri on the 4th of July and were filmed in an IMAX movie called “Mark Twain’s America”. My husband was able to actually track down a copy for me on DVD a couple years ago!
What is the most exciting thing for you to see God do in the lives of people?
I love to see people come to know Christ as their Lord and watch the change He works in their lives.
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